Classroom Access

Online Classes

Canvas Resources

Student Canvas Video Tutorials - Full listing

Begin the term with the proper knowledge of Canvas to learn how to navigate and work through the course, effectively communicate with your instructors and classmates, and to set and customize your best-fit preferences.

Overview for Students

This set of videos helps students understand how to access course content, take tests, turn in assignments and other course related activities. Most of these tutorials provide a snapshot of daily activities that students are expected to complete. From participating in discussion boards to checking grades, these helpful guides will help students transition to online learning.

User Settings

These videos helps students learn how to use the course tools to communicate with others in the course and manage course work. Part of becoming a successful students involves planning and effective communication. The videos in this section teach students how to use the calendar, tasks, and messaging tools.

Canvas Help Resources

In this video you will learn about the Help resources available in Canvas.Video overviews reflect current feature functionality in Canvas; they are updated based on workflow changes, not on minor or non-functional interface enhancements.

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